Voices From The Foot

What is Voices From The Foot? These are unheard voices from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin (The Foot Of The Lake, Lake Winnebago). This blog is for one purpose and one purpose only: to get the conservative message out to the people. I will allow no liberal voices as they have many more outlets to spew their message of doom and gloom. I prefer the uplifting voice and conservative message of conservatives like our great President Ronald Reagan.

Friday, July 14, 2006

The picture above could be a picture of County Supervisor Todd (tax & spend) Schmitz digging in to your pocket for cash to fund "The Todd Schmitz sales tax." We will never allow that to happen in Fond du Lac County!

Good job Peter

While reading this editorial keep this number in mind, $1,500,000.00, because this is the amount Rolling Meadows will lose over the next year if we keep it open.

Another number to keep in mind is $.00. That's the current county sales tax you pay in Fond du Lac County.

County Supervisor Todd Schmitz wants to impose a 1/2% county tax (The Todd Schmitz Tax) to offset this loss and use the $4,500,000.00 left over for other county projects.

Tax and spend thats all they know. Say no to new taxes and yes to closing a money pit called Rolling Meadows.

Posted July 14, 2006Letters: Rolling Meadows

Reader 'can no longer sit by silently'

Over the past several weeks, I have silently read the articles and letters to the editor regarding Rolling Meadows.

However, after reading some of the vitriolic recent letters to the editor, I can no longer sit by silently.

Like most residents, I neither know any current residents or employees of Rolling Meadows, but I have an interest in caring for those in need, balanced by a concern about the fiscal priorities of Fond du Lac County to maintain a competitive tax structure. I appreciate that we have County Executive Allen Buechel willing to make difficult, and sometimes politically unpopular recommendations that also balance these factors. To accuse him of "playing God" and asking "how do you sleep at night" is a shameful and pathetic way to treat a dedicated public servant attempting to do what is right for the long-term greater good of Fond du Lac County.

What suggestions have the opponents of closing Rolling Meadows come up with? Raising the sales tax 1%, moving mental health prisoners in, and, my personal favorite, selling the golf course for $20 million dollars and giving the money to Rolling Meadows.

These ideas only reinforce County Executive Buechel's original recommendation to close as the correct decision and he should be commended for his willingness to weather such a difficult storm from a vocal group that is attempting to shame and silence its opponents.

I appreciate the difficulty this presents for the remaining residents of Rolling Meadows and I urge the County Board to provide sufficient resources to handle their relocation to other homes with maximum care and dignity. However, I also urge the County Board to make the best decision for the long-term benefit of Fond du Lac County and not just listen to a vocal minority.

Peter Kujawa

Fond du Lac


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