Voices From The Foot

What is Voices From The Foot? These are unheard voices from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin (The Foot Of The Lake, Lake Winnebago). This blog is for one purpose and one purpose only: to get the conservative message out to the people. I will allow no liberal voices as they have many more outlets to spew their message of doom and gloom. I prefer the uplifting voice and conservative message of conservatives like our great President Ronald Reagan.

Friday, September 29, 2006

This is a letter I fired off to County Board Chairman Martin Farrell today. The debate was the possible reduction of the County Board from 36 to 18. Schmitz is in favor of keeping the board at 36 members. I'm glad he is on their side!

September 29, 2006

Martin Farrell,

As County Board Chairman, I feel you need to be advised of the conduct of County Board Supervisor Schmitz at the debate last night. I was sitting near Supervisor Schmitz and could not believe the way he was acting. He was sitting directly in front of County Executive Allen Buechel, so you might want to speak to Allen about his conduct.

I came very close to stepping out of my seat and asking him to quit acting like a 10 year old. Someone should tell him to grow up and show a little class. This is not grade school, this is the people's work.

If this is what passes as good behavior in these chambers by a County Board Supervisor during a debate, heaven help us. Supervisor Schmitz does not represent the county board in a dignified manner.

I saw this same type of activity by the supporters of Rolling Meadows while County Executive Buechel was speaking and I was floored at the disrespect he was shown by the members of the audience.


James D. Kiser

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

by Ann Coulter
September 27, 2006

Monday, September 25, 2006

Mark Green fights back

Click here to see new ad.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

God Bless our military

If you don't think our military pilots earn their pay ... you need to take a look at this picture ... and then look again and realize what you're seeing ...

This photo was taken by a soldier in Afghanistan of a helo rescue mission. The pilot is a PA Guard guy who flies EMS choppers in civilian life. Now how many people on the planet you reckon could set the butt end of a chopper down on the roof top of a shack on a steep mountain cliff and hold it there while soldiers load wounded men in the rear??? If this does not impress you ... nothing ever will. Gives me the chills and a serious case of the vertigo ... I can't even imagine having the nerve ... much less the talent and ability ... God Bless our military!!!!!

Sent to be by Ole Sheppard. Thank you

Shocking Senatorial Votes

"Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." anonymous

The following senators voted against making English the official language of America:

Akaka (D-HI)Bayh (D-IN)Biden (D-DE)Bingaman (D-NM)Boxer (D-CA)Cantwell (D-WA)Clinton (D-NY)Dayton (D-MN)Dodd (D-CT)Domenici (R-NM) Durbin (D-IL)Feingold (D-WI)Feinstein (D-CA)Harkin (D-IA)Inouye (D-HI)Jeffords (I-VT)Kennedy (D-MA)Kerry (D-MA)Kohl (D-WI)Lautenberg (D-NJ)Leahy (D-VT)Levin (D-MI)Lieberman (D-CT) Menendez (D-NJ)Mikulski (D-MD)Murray (D-WA)Obama (D-IL)Reed (D-RI)Reid (D-NV)Salazar (D-CO)Sarbanes (D-MD)Schumer (D-NY)Stabenow (D-MI)Wyden (D-OR)

Now, these are the senators who voted to give illegal aliens Social Security benefits. Regardless of political party, these politicians need to be defeated in 2006, 2008 or 2010, whenever they come up for office. They are grouped by home state. If a state is not listed, there was no voting representative.

Alaska: Stevens (R)
Arizona:McCain (R)
Arkansas:Lincoln (D) Pryor (D)
California:Boxer (D) Feinstein (D)
Colorado: Salazar (D)
Connecticut: Dodd (D) Lieberman (D)
Delaware:Biden (D) Carper (D)
Florida: Martinez (R)
Hawaii:Akaka (D) Inouye (D)
Illinois:Durbin (D)Obama (D)
Indiana: Bayh (D)Lugar (R) Iowa: Harkin (D)
Kansas:Brownback (R)
Louisiana:Landrieu (D)
Maryland: Mikulski (D) Sarbanes (D)
Massachusetts:Kennedy (D) Kerry (D)
Montana: Baucus (D)
Nebraska: Hagel (R)
Nevada: Reid (D)
New Jersey: Lautenberg (D) Menendez (D)
New Mexico: Bingaman (D)
New York: Clinton (D) Schumer (D)
North Dakota: Dorgan (D)
Ohio: DeWine (R) Voinovich(R)
Oregon: Wyden (D)
Pennsylvania: Specter (R)
Rhode Island: Chafee (R) Reed (D)
South Carolina: Graham (R)
South Dakota: Johnson (D)
Vermont: Jeffords (I) Leahy (D)
Washington: Cantwell (D) Murray (D)
West Virginia: Rockefeller (D), by Not Voting
Wisconsin: Feingold (D) Kohl (D)


Friday, September 22, 2006


These are very funny videos.

This President (Gorge W. Bush) and this Governor (Mark Green) will protect Wisconsin and keep our people safe, not protect the terrorist!

Ask yourself something. If you were a terrorist would you feel safer with President Kerry, Clinton, or Gore and Governor Doyle?

Dump Doyle/Vote Green

See and hear Mark Green as he speaks to members of the NRA

Mark Green for Governor of Wisconsin
Dump Doyle/Vote Green

NRA radio ad

Great website check it out.

Be sure to bookmark this site or you will never keep up with the Doyle scandals.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Congresswoman Nancy L. Johnson for Congress Ad

This is a must see ad by the Johnson campaign. I don't care much for the Congresswoman but I do agree with the ad.

US Treasury Sets New 1-Day Tax Receipt Record Of $85.8 BillionTuesday September 19th, 2006

WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- The U.S. government recorded record-high overall and corporate tax receipts on Sept. 15, which was a quarterly deadline for tax
payments, the Treasury said Monday.

Total tax receipts were $85.8 billion on Friday, compared with the previous one-day record of $71 billion on Sept. 15 of last year, the Treasury said. Within the overall figure, corporate tax receipts Friday were $71.8 billion, up from $63 billion in September of last year. Treasury Undersecretary for Domestic Finance Randal Quarles said Friday's numbers provided a "continuing demonstration of the strength of the U.S. economy." "In fact, Friday's gross receipts were the largest in a single day in the nation's history - 20% higher than receipts on the same quarterly tax payment date last year," Quarles said in a statement.

By Benton Ives-Halperin, Dow Jones Newswires; 202-862-9255; Benton.Ives-Halperin@dowjones.com

Tuesday September 19th, 2006 / 0h04

And the liberials still claim tax cuts don't work. And some in this country would trust these nuts to run this country again. I just don't get it. President Reagan was right and President George W. Bush was right. Tax cuts work.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Three Questions for McCain, Warner, Graham

They don't have answers to any of these questions, folks...

Boy would I like to line these three up for an butt kicking contest!

I get such a warm fuzzy feeling when I think of the peaceful Islamic faith. Link for full story below.



Sorry environmental wackos. You lose again.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Hey folks, here is a preview of Holly's new bumper sticker. Hope you don't mind Holly.

Mark Green Wins First Debate!

Doyle is in the process of being dumped by the Greenster.

I was very impressed with Mark's performance tonight. I just wonder how many people watching this debate said "My property taxes only went up $23.00 last year?" Some tax freeze Diamond Jim.

The Hispanic heritage of the Republican Party
September 15, 2006

As the country celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month, our Grand Old Party would benefit from appreciating its own Hispanic heritage. How many Republicans know, for instance, that the first Hispanic U.S. Representative, U.S. Senator, and Governor were all Republicans?

In 2003, the Democrat candidate for Governor of California, Cruz Bustamante, said he wanted to be the state's first Hispanic Governor. He and most Democrats -- as well as too many Republicans -- did not know that a Hispanic had already served as Governor of California and that he was a Republican.

Born in Santa Barbara, Romualdo Pacheco was a judge, state legislator, state treasurer, and Brigadier- General in the Union Army before being elected Lt. Governor. When in 1875 the Governor was elected to the U.S. Senate, Pacheco became Governor and served ten months. The next year, Pacheco also became the first Hispanic elected to the U.S. House of Republicans, where he served three terms. He was then President Benjamin Harrison's ambassador to several Central American nations.

Another great Republican, New Mexico’s Octaviano Larrazolo, was the first Hispanic in the U.S. Senate. Originally a Democrat, Larrazolo switched to the Republican Party in protest against the anti-Hispanic policies of the Democrats. He was then elected, as a Republican, Governor in 1918 and then U.S. Senator in 1928.

The Republican Party should stop throwing away political capital, because the more we Republicans know about the history of our Party, the more the Democrats will worry about the future of theirs.

Contact Michael Zak (Grand_Old_Partisan@hotmail.com) to invite him to speak at Lincoln/Reagan dinners, conventions, and other Republican events. For more information, see

Michael Zak is the author of
Back to Basics for the Republican Party, a history of the GOP from the civil rights perspective.

Michael Zak is a popular speaker to Republican organizations around the country, showing office- holders, candidates, and activists how they would benefit tremendously from knowing and appreciating our Party's heritage of civil rights achievement. His book, Back to Basics for the Republican Party, is the acclaimed history of the GOP from the civil rights perspective.

Contact Mr. Zak to invite him to speak at Lincoln and Reagan Day dinners, conventions, fundraisers, and other Republican events.
Click here for more information

Join our mailing list!

Michael Zak was our key note speaker in Fond du Lac this spring and did a great job.

Check amendment facts before voting

Posted September 14, 2006 Fond du Lac Reporter

Letters: Amendments; Recycling

Opponents of the proposed state marriage amendment are telling you things that just aren't true.

"It'll undo domestic violence protections." Nope. Wisconsin domestic violence laws don't factor sexual orientation. In fact, 2001 Wis. Act 109 expanded our statute to "romantic or intimate social relationship(s) between (two) adult individuals" — no word on orientation.

"Gays will lose visitation rights, power of attorney, etc." Actually, anybody can make these arrangements with anyone, regardless of the relationship. How do eccentric widows leave property to their cats?

They write a will. To liberals who scoff at this, why, then, was the importance of everybody getting their legal affairs in order the only lesson you learned and promoted after Terri Schiavo's murder?

"Gay couples won't be able to get health benefits." Hogwash. Public and private employers would still have the right to say "we'll give you Benefit A for whoever you live with," without inventing "a legal status identical or substantially similar to marriage," which is all the amendment invalidates.

The law wouldn't recognize homosexual unions, but neither would it discriminate. Gays and straights equally have the right to enter into marriage by marrying someone of the opposite sex. Debate the question, but don't pretend you're stuck in the back of the bus.

Rather than religious fanatics, marriage's defenders are students of history and society. They know that only the union of man and woman continues the human race and that children need parents of both sexes.

Who's the real fanatic: he who recognizes this correlation between Bible and biology, or he who insists it's mere coincidence?

True marriage is simply recognition of this reality, and defense of true marriage is defense of civilization's very foundation.

Calvin Freiburger

Fond du Lac

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Massive oil fieldfound under Gulf Reserves south of New Orleans could rivalNorth Slope, boosting U.S. supplies by 50%

It will take billions of dollars and five years to get this oil field in production. Just what would we do without big oil and their billions of dollars they use to explore for new oil. Good job big oil go get that oil for my SUV. This could be just the start if we could get the wackos off our backs!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

911 mini-series on ABC

I heard about this five hour mini-series on Rush. It is a must see and you need to tell as many people as you can to watch this.

This mini-series is 5 hours long. 3 hours will be presented on September 10th and the rest on September 11th. Set your recorders. Believe me the Clintons and Dems will not enjoy this story.

ABC's 'The Path to 9/11' Is Outstanding

Friday, September 01, 2006

Anti-Bush T-Shirt OK In School, Court Rules

August 31, 2006 6:50 p.m. EST
Shaveta Bansal - All Headline News Staff Writer

Montpelier, VT (AHN) - A three-judge panel at the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday overturned a federal court ruling that said the Williamstown middle school had authority to ban pictures of drugs and alcohol on the shirt that was critical of President Bush. Principal Kathleen Morris-Kortz had said the T-shirt with anti-Bush messages worn by Zachary Guiles also had images of cocaine and a martini glass which violated the state's dress code policy, which prohibits clothing that promotes the use of drugs or alcohol.

In a 3-0 ruling, however, the court said the censorship of images by the school had violated Guiles' right of freedom to speech.

"The pictures are an important part of the political message that Guiles wished to convey, accentuating the anti-drug (and anti-Bush) message," the court wrote.
The shirt called the president a lying drunk driver who abused cocaine and marijuana, and labeled Bush the "chicken-hawk-in-chief" who was engaged in a "world domination tour."

Guiles, a seventh grader, was suspended for one day in May 2004 when he refused to cover up the pictures of drugs and alcohol after a student and parent had complained about the shirt. He had been wearing the shirt once a week for two months. A day after his suspension, Guiles wore the shirt with duct tape over the images.

Guiles, now 15, said he was pleased with the outcome. "I think this is a very good sign that even with the current administration and the way the country is going there can still be a justice that allows free speech," he said.

Here is another example of how important it is to have a President like George W. Bush in office to continue get place good judges on the bench. These nuts judges are out of control!

Editorial: The board was wrong From the Journal Sentinel

Posted: Aug. 31, 2006

Here's the part of the chronology voters need to understand when they consider whether Rep. Mark Green did anything wrong when he transferred money from his congressional campaign to his gubernatorial race.

He transferred the money a day before the state Elections Board put limits on money from such transfers. It had previously allowed such a transfer, however, for Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett when he was running for governor in 2001. The rule permitting that was the one Green had every reason to expect was still in force.

Jim Doyle's campaign protested the Elections Board action in Barrett's case. It didn't get the ruling it wanted then but did now. Doyle can thank rank partisanship.

Understand, the Elections Board was quite correct in banning the transfer of funds from congressional campaign funds to state campaigns, a rule already in effect for state campaign money going to federal campaigns. If people are going to run in Wisconsin, they should abide by the rules in effect for Wisconsin candidates, including the limits on political action committee money.

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, in protesting the Green transfer, was correct to highlight what such transfer of funds meant to state limits on political action committee money in state campaigns.

Some argue that the rule allowing transfers from federal to state campaigns always contained the caveat that they must abide by Wisconsin law, on PAC limits for instance. All right, but there should be no double standard on enforcement - good for Barrett and hurting Doyle when that suits a board in 2001 but not good for Green and aiding Doyle when Democrats have more votes on the board.

This is yet another reason the Legislature should revisit Senate Bill 1, which passed overwhelming in the Senate but which Assembly leadership didn't allow to have a floor vote. This bill would have merged the state Elections and Ethics boards into a stronger Government Accountability Board.

In the Green case, four Democrats on the board were joined by the Libertarian to compel Green to return $467,844 from political action committees not registered in Wisconsin. Two Republicans on the nine-member board voted against it, with one Republican not voting because of a conflict of interest. The board member appointed by the state chief justice was absent.

The current board's members are selected by elected officials and the heads of the Democratic, Republican and Libertarian parties. It's a system tailor-made for partisanship.

SB 1, as passed by the Senate, would have severely limited the potential for such partisanship. This new board would have four members, appointed by the governor but nominated by a committee comprised of Wisconsin's chief justice and the deans of the Marquette University and University of Wisconsin law schools. These nominees couldn't be lobbyists or members of a political party, political committee or have been a political candidate for one year before the appointment.
The Elections Board's decision was wrong. But it is one thing to bemoan this ruling and quite another to ignore it.

The board says Green must give back $467,844 of the $1.3 million he transferred. The Green campaign said initially that it has spent the money. It is launching a fund-raising effort to raise nearly the lost amount in 72 hours, even as a campaign lawyer says Green will fight in court to undo the ruling.

A court challenge is Green's right, and his fund-raising blitz indicates he recognizes an opportunity to tap anger over this ruling or that he intends to repay the money. There's nothing wrong with either. But ignoring the board's decision can't be an option.

It is always this simple, Doyle is wrong and Green is right!

Green Campaign Statement on State Elections Board Ruling

GREEN BAY – Defying the advice of its own attorney and 25 years of precedents, the Wisconsin State Elections Board voted Wednesday to retroactively change its rules governing the transfer of federal campaign funds to state accounts. In response to the Board's decision, Mark Graul, campaign manager for gubernatorial candidate Mark Green, issued the following statement:

“Today's decision is emblematic of the corruption that has invaded state government under Jim Doyle. Under Jim Doyle government decisions are made to benefit his campaign interests - while the taxpayers get the short end of the stick.

“Jim Doyle's allies on the State Election Board defied their own attorney's legal advice, state law and basic principles of fairness in their effort to help the struggling campaign of Governor Doyle. The Election's Board action is literally trying to change 25 years of rules two months before Election Day - to affect only Mark Green.

“Mark's campaign will continue to abide by state law and the State Elections Board's rules - as we have from the start of this campaign. On November 7th, voters will have the opportunity to reject Jim Doyle's corrupt brand of politics in favor of Mark Green's hopeful vision for a brighter future for our state.”

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